Saturday, June 16, 2012

Kung Ako’y Iiwan Mo Review ♥

Episode 2 (April 17, 2012)

I would divide my review in to 4 parts which I believe I could dissect each one thoroughly. LOL! :)
The first scene that moved me most was when Sarah wrote a letter for her dad telling him how much they missed him around and letting him know that all the efforts he put in into his works are paid off because Sarah was really doing well in her studies. (I was moved with this, because I too is a student who tirelessly put all my efforts just to make my parents proud. Well, good job Sarah. Keep on aiming for the best.

Manny supported Sarah's graduation while Ramon was out of the country, working.

The second very moving part was when Ramon saved his friend, Manny. This is very influential to all the viewers and a very good lesson to those people who are blessed with good friends. We must and always be thankful to our friends. Indeed, True friends are those people who are not hesitant in giving up his life for his friend, and that is what Ramon did to Manny. He was so willing to sacrifice his own life just to save his friend. Rarely, we can find true friends like him!

The next scene gave me goosebump, the most dramatic and full of emotions part was when Belen knew what had happened to Roman, her pain penetrates the screen and all her emotions just showed up. She cried painfully after knowing that he just lost the most important man of her life. The breakdown scene of Belen is just so heart melting for all the viewers and all her pain just hit everyone straight to the heart. (I personally wanted to go straight to the television and hug her tight and let her feel that eventually everything would be fine, literally.) I must commend, Miss Sandy Andolong for this, indeed she is a performer that delivers very well. Great job, Miss S! You sure made me cry with you! T'was so sad. I smell victory and awards for Miss Sandy Andolong :)

This made me cry too :(

The last highlight is, “The feeling of guilt of Manny for losing Roman.” Manny feels really bad about what happened and the thought of him being saved by his friend is bothering him badly. He kept on thinking that if not for his friend Roman, he would have possibly died in that accident. He tirelessly ask sorry to Belen about what happened to Roman and promised Belen that he would always be there for her and Sarah. As always, Mr Boyet De Leon did a greaaaaaaaat job again! He never fails to amaze me with his acting spirit. Very versatile, I must say! :)

Lastly, this episode is a tearjerker; everyone must have a box of Kleenex beside them and an extra box for their seatmate! *laughs*

I like how bitter Gloria Diaz is. Haha! *laughs*


Dahil Sa Pag-Ibig Review :)

Dahil Sa Pag-Ibig Episode: 03292012

I just can't help but make a review about last night's episode.

Everyone acted so naturally and amazingly, I guess this is one of the best thing about DSP. All actors are commendable!

Cindy's Death :(
First, The scene of Alfred reminiscing all his mom's good memories. I was really moved with this scene knowing that he cannot take back the life of his mother. He wanted to say how much love he has for her mother and how thankful he'll always be for treating him like her own. This made me shed tears. He captures the scene with his emotions. T'was so sad.

Second highlight would be the confrontation scene of Leo and Alfred, which led Leo blaming Alfred for the death of his wife. The scene was full of emotions. As a viewer, you can really feel the pain in their eyes while confronting with each other. I love how Leo carries just the right angst, it was really strong - it summarized the hurt and anger that he carried since he lost his wife, Cindy. Poor Alfred for he was blamed for Cindy's death. He wanted to defend himself but he just couldn't. On the other hand, I can't blame Leo for acting such way. He is at pain for losing the only inspiration he has. Life without Cindy is not a life at all for Leo. (I'm afraid that Leo would turn out to be a notorious political mammal and a bad dad. Huhu I really hope not)

Lastly, the breakdown scene of Leo. This was one heartbreaking scene to watch. When Leo bid goodbye to Cindy, he was at his poignant, and his emotions just penetrates the screen that made the viewers sob with him. And the most touching part was when he kissed Cindy for the very last time, I personally cried over this scene. T'was heart melting :(

* I still don't want Mommy Cindy to die :(
 And yes, I can smell awaaaaards for Mr. Boyet De Leon. *smiles* Hands off to his acting powers.


How it all Started with MB :)♥

I love you to infinity and beyond ♥

I can’t really recall how all this started, it just happened :)

The most memorable, RED BUTTERFLY ♥

Beautifully Amazing :)

I noticed her way back “Kay Tagal Kang Hinintay” though I never really make a big deal out of it, I just liked her, that simple. I didn’t expect myself to really get in touch to her since I am not that type of person. Meeting her wasn’t even part of my plan and most especially getting to know her was something I didn’t expect. Until I saw “Dahil May Isang Ikaw”, I just don’t get it, why I was really mesmerized with her acting spirit, she delivers everything amazingly. Especially when the team up of her and Mr. Gabby Concepcion started to penetrate the screen. I always have that heart pounding, lightheaded, butterflies in stomach nervous feeling whenever I get to catch them on screen. I don’t know why I was so KILIG with the two of them, and little did I know that I wasn’t alone, some people felt the same thing, and  t’was hilarious to see these amazing ladies who also admires their team-up :) *laughs* ( You guys know who you are! Hihihi *giggles*)

I'll always be a GLR Baby :)

I loveeee you both :)

Anyway, making this story short, I came to the point of meeting her personally as in LITERALLLYYYY :) Haha. Decided to visit Manila last 2010 and get the chance to have a little chitchats with her over some food. We had a long and most memorable day then. After that meeting,I just can't help but love her even more each day, she amazes me with her good and very humble personality, and of course IT WAS A DREAAAAAM COME TRUE for me and for everyone. I was like floating in a cloud nine whilst remembering what had happened to that day, how she opened the door in her car, how she smiles at me and my friends, how she bit every single food and how she even hold her glasses while satisfying her thirst. Everything was unexplainable.

Definitely, I look forward to seeing her again sometimes soon! :)


I sure am, A proud fan :)


If I am to narrate everything that happened during our first meeting and how I felt during that day, a four hour narration would not be enough. I’d probably end up writing a good novel instead. *chuckles* =))

|I can't even recall when I wrote this. Ha ha :) Just found this in my Tumblr account and decided to transfer it here. :)|


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