Monday, December 30, 2013

The People of My Twenty Thirteen. :)

I've been wanting to have my own list of "THE PEOPLE OF MY YEAR" ever since but I just couldn't find the perfect time and thoughts all up together. I know random people have their own list of who made their year worth remembering, different media are now too busy recalling who made the year "what it was"  and the likes but at the end of the day it all boils down to one point,


Let's get to know the people who made my 2013 an awe-inspiring year:

1. The Bakulaws - Kingdom Animalia

I couldn't imagine ending my college life without them. It was quite a journey, events here, exams there and not to mention all the crap deadlines that we all had to meet then. It was difficult especially that you can't afford to disappoint all those people who entrusted you with so many responsibilities. Yet, everything went out all and we succeeded college with flying colors because I had them all. And I still have them until now. I miss you, mga palakaon! :)

2. The Production Team

They are the true definition of "FRIENDSHIP KNOWS NO DISTANCE". Despite the fact that I rarely see them and be with them I know that deep down when I need them, they'd always be there. These are the people whom I know that NO MATTER what happens I would always have their back.  I just love them!

3. Nanay Sandy Andolong and Mama Lorna Tolentino

My forever inspirations. These two lovely ladies who showed me what true "HUMILITY" is all about. I've learned that it's not about what you have in life that matters but it’s how you value the people around you that means a lot. They've taught me that whatever you've achieved, you must to have God in your life. He has to be there all the time. Indeed, these two are the Epitome of Simplicity and Perfection.


I never realized that the quote "CHOOSE A JOB YOU LOVE AND YOU WOULD NEVER HAVE TO WORK A DAY IN YOUR LIFE" would cross my way as early as this year. It was a massive  adjustment when I entered the reality world of "WORK". I had to adjust and remind myself that everything I do would matter for the Company I'm working with. A simple mistake could lead me to something serious and all these things aren't like school wherein you can always re-take the subject if you fail. It wasn't easy. It was quite a journey when I started but my workmates made everything more bearable for me. They've helped me cope up with the changes and encourage every inch of me to go on. I just couldn't picture out as me "working" without them. I now consider them as my second family whom I can run to when life stresses me out, they're the ones who never get tired of listening to all my pointless drama. It just feels so good to be doing what you want with the people that you truly love.


We don't talk that much, we don't get to see each other as often as before yet I know and I'm secured that I would always have her NO MATTER WHAT. It's almost 10 long years that I have this crazy-stupid-not so thoughtful- weirdest best friend in my life yet I still get excited whenever we plan out to see each other. No dull moments, no dramas, no pretensions - JUST US!  If there's one person who knows me well other than my family that would be her.  I know there were ups and downs of our friendship but I'm just glad that we both are mature enough to choose our friendship over our stupid egos. I love you literalllllyyy, ANGELA!!


She's more of a second mother to all of us. She's the "organizer" in the family cause she's usually the one who set a date and plan out for everyone to have a little get together once in a while and it's still hurting to know that she's no longer with us physically. She's a strong woman with a very pleasing personality, she fought her cancer with a good fight. She will always be remembered. We will be missing you every day, Auntie. WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH.


Last but definitely not the least, My Family. Every year they've always been the biggest impact in my life and this year is totally NO DIFFERENT. They are my day to day strength and they always give me enough reason to be the happiest. We may not have the most ideal or perfect family but the thought that we all have each other during the ups and down is more than enough for me to be thankful. I'm really blessed to have these people who tirelessly love me with all they have. I LOVE THEM THE BIGGEST TIME :)

Thank you everyone for making this year indeed a year worth reminiscing. Definitely, 2013 will never be the same without all of you. And to everybody who may not be on the list (It doesn't mean that I love you any-less, of course I truly do.), Thank you Guys for everything. It was such an honor to have spent my Twenty-Thirteen with you. Till next year and the years to come.

Let's welcome 2014 with a blast and happy thoughts :) I love you from moon to back.




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