Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The AIMers.

THE AIMers with our very own professor Miss JY! ♥


Congratulating you isn't enough to show how proud leader I am for this group. Treating you a cup of coffee or two would never be good enough to express how happy and grateful I am to have you as my group-mates. Indeed, it has been a good fight!

Everything started like a mess, we got no idea about what IMC PLAN really was, we were clueless about what content can put us to limelight and passing the subject with flying colors was something we never expected. We even thought of giving up after those hardships and trials, but I'm glad we didn't. I sure am.

WOW! Indeed, this semester has quite been a journey with you and I still can’t believe that we’ve made this far, and I’m so so so proud of you guys! Thank you for communing with me everytime I say that we have to “MORNING THE NIGHT AGAIN”. We’ve shared so many memories, sleepless night, overnight stay in any coffee shops, playing around with the mosquitoes under kolk's nook, etc. Even if there are times that we can't help but fall asleep during our overnight stay in any places, but the thought of you guys being there whenever I call for a meeting is more than enough, the effort is much appreciated. I tell you.But atleast,our efforts paid off, we fought a good fight, guys! We put all our hardship to SUCCESS and I can’t help but thank God for blessing me with such groupmates like you ♥

Being the leader, I thank you guys for not making it hard on me to handle the situation and I really am sorry for sometimes I let the heat get off my head. Magninaldita gyud ko usahay, but I hope you guys understand that i’m only doing that for the betterment of our group. *wink* Selosa man ko na pagka leader gud, pero kabalo sad bitaw mo na ma okay ra ko dayun labi na naa’y mentos :))) HAHAHAHA! Seriously, knowing that all of us got a very good remark from this subject makes me feel happy and blessed :

Friends for keeps ♥

Memories for keeps :) Sleepless nights with the TEAM ♥


To our ever loving teacher, Ms. JY! Thanks for the unwavering support, Ma’am. We couldn't have done it without you :)
Dear GOD, thank you too for blessing us with so much knowledge and patience in making this project a success. Thank you!

Final Presentation with our Adviser :)♥ Successful, it was!


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