Sunday, March 24, 2013

I can't recall the day we met, it's the day I'll never regret! :)

Good friends should be kept, FOREVER.

There are times really when you just meet someone and you "click", and this whole thing defines our friendship. We carry different personalities and values yet we "click" simply because we compromise and try to understand and accept each other. We are not a perfect barkada but we sure have the perfect love that molded our friendship. We argue like any ordinary friends, we fight at the simplest things and we laugh at the corniest jokes.

This whole this is surely unexpected, we belong to two different groups minding our different business yet surprisingly everything took turn for a better and a real friendship came to place. This started not too long ago, during COMEPP Days, I belong to the "Program Committee" with Ana, Chung, Elvie and Edward, Anthony and other group was the Registration Committee with Ate Jacey, Noraine, Liv, Kyle, Abygail, Shienalae, Ken and Rafaila. During events such these, shortcoming and little misunderstanding is inevitable, that is why during our poignant moments we always had each other. We sympathize with one another and we started to listen and understand one's problems as we give advices and lend our shoulders to each other. We made all the unbearable things bearable for everyone. Those simple gestures were the reason of our friendship. After then, we started sharing similar things, we plan things out together.  We argue for one another and we mess with someone who messes one of us -- WE ARE FAMILY.

Schedules for us were never a hindrance, we may have different class schedules but we always try our best to meet and eat and laugh together, because friendship is not formed by time but rather by the memories you spent together and by finding a common ground.

Indeed, friendship is not always about "Who came first" but rather it's about "WHO CAME AND NEVER LEFT" :)

I'm just so lucky and blessed to have the bestest relationship with these amazing people around. I love you, Ohlala Kingdom Animalia from bits to bits to eternity and beyond. T'was an amazing experience to have spent my last college life with you, Guys :)

Let's keep in touch! :)



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